Did you know you can send CoachProxy alerts to your phone via text message? You can and it is a better way to get an alert as you get it right away vs needing to check your mail.
Below are some address formats to use for major cell providers for sending text message alerts that you can setup in CoachProxy. NOTE: Your coach MUST HAVE Internet access and CoachProxy needs to be on the network providing the Internet access for alerts to function!!! (We are not responsible for usage charges.) For a full list of cell provider text message address, please see http://www.emailtextmessages.com
- AT&T
- 10digitphonenumber@txt.att.net
- Bell Canada
- 10digitphonenumber@txt.bellmobility.ca
- Boost Mobile
- 10digitphonenumber@myboostmobile.com
- Cellular One
- 10digitphonenumber@mobile.celloneusa.com
- Rogers AT&T Wireless
- 10digitphonenumber@pcs.rogers.com
- Sprint
- 10digitphonenumber@messaging.sprintpcs.com
- T-Mobile
- 10digitphonenumber@tmomail.net
- US Cellular
- 10digitphonenumber@email.uscc.net
- Verizon
- 10digitphonenumber@vtext.com